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Applies an edge-preserving smoothing filter that reduces noise while preserving important edges in the image.


wbw_bilateral_filter(x, sigma_dist = 0.75, sigma_int = 1)



Raster object of class WhiteboxRaster. See wbw_read_raster() for more details.


double, standard deviation distance parameter in pixels.


double, standard deviation intensity parameter, in the same units as z-units of input raster x (usually, meters).


WhiteboxRaster object containing filtered values


Bilateral filtering is a non-linear technique introduced by Tomasi and Manduchi (1998). The filter combines spatial and intensity domains to preserve edges while smoothing. Unlike the Gaussian filter, the bilateral filter weights pixels based on both their spatial distance and intensity similarity to the center pixel.

The size of the filter is determined by setting the standard deviation distance parameter (sigma_dist); the larger the standard deviation the larger the resulting filter kernel. The standard deviation can be any number in the range 0.5-20 and is specified in the unit of pixels. The standard deviation intensity parameter (sigma_int), specified in the same units as the z-values, determines the intensity domain contribution to kernel weightings.


Tomasi, C., & Manduchi, R. (1998, January). Bilateral filtering for gray and color images. In null (p. 839). IEEE.

For more information, see


f <- system.file("extdata/dem.tif", package = "wbw")
wbw_read_raster(f) |>
  wbw_bilateral_filter(sigma_dist = 1.5, sigma_int = 1.1)
#> +-----------------------------------------------+ 
#> | WhiteboxRaster                                |
#> | dem.tif                                       |
#> |...............................................| 
#> | bands       : 1                               |
#> | dimensions  : 726, 800  (nrow, ncol)          |
#> | resolution  : 5.002392, 5.000243  (x, y)      |
#> | EPSG        : 2193  (Linear_Meter)            |
#> | extent      : 1925449 1929446 5582091 5585717 |
#> | min value   : 64.258514                       |
#> | max value   : 360.483490                      |
#> +-----------------------------------------------+